Instant Business Payments with Photon Commerce’s Financial AI Platform

The business-to-business (B2B) payments ecosystem is massive, with $25 trillion in payments flowing between businesses each year. Photon Commerce, a financial AI platform company, empowers fintech leaders to process B2B payments, invoices, statements, and receipts instantly. 

Over two-thirds of B2B transactions are processed through automated clearing house payments (a type of electronic payment) and checks. Yet, these transactions can take up to 3 days to clear. This has created a need for real-time payments that are processed instantaneously and safely, eliminating the risk of delinquent payments.

Partnering with NVIDIA, Photon Commerce guides payment processors, neobanks, and credit card fintechs on how to train and invent the world’s most intelligent AI for payments, invoices, and commerce.

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Photon Commerce

Photon Commerce delivers instant payments, invoices, and AI to fintech leaders. Automatically standardize, categorize, match, and reconcile invoices, POs, receipts, remittances, and statements down to line items.

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